Tuesday, September 25, 2018

1980 something...


To condemn or hold the experience of one’s life against them is cruelest act another human can perform. It is indeed the heart and soul, the reason they go on living and act the way they do.
If you were happy with them when your paths crossed and left them because of the way they
are, you have said the worst for you. They may indeed be better off without you if you changed them
for the worse, with you being the judge.


  1. Such wisdom at that age! But it doesn't surprise me, no not one bit. You know you are one special and unique man and I hope the one's in your life see that and never ever forget it.

    Thanks for sharing a part of the younger you <3

    1. probably 30+ when this came out....it made it into a book that featured over 150 writers

    2. Well I am quite proud of you for that :-)
