Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Summer is over...

and that was the deal....I would help her through summer.

got home Sunday and dragged everything into the front room then one to bed...it’s still mostly there....probably get to it is an hour or so since it’s raining outside.

I have a a few hours of mowing to do when it drys and then I can get back to things I set aside to help a friend.

they say karma is alive and well so I will wait and see ...you know no good deed ever goes unpunished

my mind is so fragmented with thoughts that this is what comes out...I need a nice fire to sit alone next to and do some much needed writing...

I did get to watch Jon go from baby food and formula to jambalia rice with melted cheese and whole milk..along with anything else he can get in his mouth...he couldn’t push himself off the floor and now he is almost walking...it was fun


  1. Maybe getting back to your normal home routine will help get your mind together. Funny I sometimes get a sense about you (since you reside in the corner of my mind always) and I sensed (or dreamed) some unease, unsettlement or something. But hey, what do I know??

    The baby is adorable. They do grow and change a lot those first couple of years. Glad you got to witness that :-)

    I hope you find your peace soon my dear one.

    1. your mind might be a good place for me right now...

    2. You will always be there, a shelter from the storm...
