Thursday, June 14, 2018

WHAT? pictures yet!!!!

I know I was suppose to be posting pictures....but shit happened.

got the post set and got the screws out to start assembling...normally in the past the box had a driver for the head of the screw in the box....not today...and i had to go all the way to TH to get one...soooo, I went to see Grace and my daughter who is off on Thursdays...then by the time I get home it’s too hot to work on the fence till evening....I mowed

will be back on the fence in a couple hours when the sun gets behind the trees...getting wimpy in my old age...

8:37 the easy part done and found out the screw heads weren’t big enough for the hinges....gate frames are done though so tomorrow will be easy peasy...


  1. Nah, I could never see you as a wimp, not at all for any reason. You are smart to wait till after the heat of the day. As for pictures, I know you will get to that when you can. Better to visit your daughter and the baby, that is more important. <3

  2. day is done and so am I....tomorrow is filled to the brim so early to bed , early to rise..sweet dreams~~~~

  3. Oh and a PICTURE appeared haha. I didn't see that at first when I came to read your reply. Gah, I am so old I am going blind I guess lol :-))

    1. it was late getting here...I hate slow pictures....

    2. But it did get here so that is all that matters. Good Morning
