Sunday, June 10, 2018

Raining on Sunday

                tears again for what will never be                
                 dreams die slowly and painfully                  
                                or is it just the rain?                              


  1. It's very sunny here this morning, so I know the tears on this end are not the rain...
    A few years ago, I started dreaming, but life truly does get in the way and the picture I posted this morning, is part of life that got in the way of my dream, but it is a part of my life that I cherish and I will see it through till she is old enough to make her own life. And I will be nearing the end of mine no doubt...

    Life can take away my dream, but it can't take away what is in my heart. <3

    1. so true...the heart holds tight to feelings..she is a blessing no doubt and you to her....

    2. That she is, she's part of the reason I go on...
