Monday, January 29, 2018

saying goodby to January....

A nice month for sorta resting, catching up on a few shows on Netflix, and doing some core strengthening before the riding season kicks in...the chicken are starting to lay 6-8 eggs every day so there is a chore added to the list...the ducks will start laying as soon as the weather breaks and the temps stay above freezing....funny how nature takes care of that.

blue blood super moon is Wed so don’t forget to get out there and catch that...not sure what time the totality is so I will have to check on that....another blue moon the end of March

my day is pretty empty of doings so I may have to do a video to break the light snow...


  1. Well dear, you stay busy most of the time, so a little downtime is good for now. Soon enough you will be busy planting a garden and doing all those other projects I am sure you have lined up. Nothing better than fresh laid eggs. :-)

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