Friday, October 12, 2018

I’m lazy

busy at the same time...mowing, trying to catch up after being gone for most of 90 days...fridge looks like an evil monster lives in there but it’s half clean out now..

got out hunting yesterday but last night was Grace’s 2nd birthday so we made a cake and ate chicken noodles for supper and played climb all over papaw..hence, this morning I was wore out too much to drag my ass out of bed...

seems like we lost daylight hours really fast after the solstice but I guess I was too busy to notice...I just know it’s 8 before it’s light enough to ride and i was riding at 630...

and know that I am thinking about you while you are on the road.......


  1. I read this and smiled šŸ˜Š I got home about 4PM today. LONG ride. It seemed to get dark earlier up there in Tennessee also and the sun doesn't rise as early it seems.

    I can't believe Grace is 2 already. It seems like she was just born. I know you enjoyed the time with her.

    Hope you have a good week. I have to work tomorrow for a couple of hours and then lots of catching up this week.

    It's good to be home!!

  2. she has become a terror somewhat...she likes to scream for no reason but to hear it....hoping to put some deer meat in the freezer...and I will tell you about the new Menards
