Saturday, June 17, 2017

just words....

I once had a box full of words, millions of words to choose from and put into sentences and paragraphs. The more I wrote the easier it was to pick words that held special meaning to me and expressed what I wanted to say. Alas, I have almost emptied my box of words, but I have all this paper with all these words stored on them in all these sentences and paragraphs. Stories and poems to tell a tell of feelings and thoughts for all eternity if only people would learn how to read and understand instead of seeing what they want to see in the words.


  1. And yet you, a man of words, tell me, words are overrated. And yet, it was through your words that I felt your heart ...

    1. isn’t that the great thing about those overrated things....they can be so powerful in the right order

      and you are good and finding the right order
